WHTA now managing the Cheverie Salt Marsh Trail
Post date: Jan 15, 2015 12:15:45 PM
The West Hants Trails Association assumed responsibility for operation of The Cheverie Salt Marsh Trail by signing a Land Use Agreement with The Municipality of West Hants in December 2014. The trail was initiated by the Cheverie Crossway Salt Marsh Society, which is now disbanded.
Aerial view of the Cheverie Creek. The trail runs along the left (east) side.
The trail is located on Highway 215 in the community of Cheverie at the location of the beach where Cheverie Creek runs into the Minas Basin. The trail is easy walking and is about one kilometer including the return trip. This is a good trail to walk in combination with a beach walk on the other side of the road.
The purpose of the trail is to highlight the salt marsh restoration project that has been taking place there since the culvert under highway 215 was enlarged in 2005. You can easily see the results of the marsh reclaiming land, as the salt water is able to move further inland to its former natural levels.
The marsh is also the site of Acadian dykes built hundreds of years ago. These are still evident today. It has been suggested by experts that the dyke at Cheverie would have required a large community to construct and would have supported many families with access to highly productive farmland. The trail includes interpretative signage telling the story of the salt marsh and the Acadians that once lived there.
On the other side of the highway a walk along the beach in either direction will display the power of geology in the folded layers of rock in the cliffs and the power of the ocean in its continuous erosion of the banks exposing new material every storm.
If you want to learn something about the natural power of the ocean and its influence on peoples’ lives in coastal communities, you will enjoy a day at Cheverie.
Illustrtion by Azor Vienneau.