Great things happening at Irishman's Rd
Post date: Apr 10, 2015 12:05:28 PM
There are going to be some great things happening at the Irishman's Rd Recreation Site this year! The WHTA has been working with the Municipality of West Hants, the Glooscap Heritage Archers Association and professional trail consultants over the past year to develop this project. The 172 acre property owned by the Municipality has massive potential for recreational trails. Completion of all development phases would see over 20km of diverse high quality trails for everyone to enjoy.
Click on this link to read the Irishman's Rd Recreation Site Multi-UseTrail Plan.
This is a concept plan. The locations and types of trail depicted are subject to change after completion of a detailed trail design and construction plan by professional trail consultants.
Some of you may be aware Municipal council approved up to $92,845.50 in funding for Phases 1 and 2 on December 9, 2014. The motion was subsequently rescinded as a result of a recommendation from the WHTA that Phases 1 and 3 should be funded instead. On March 10, 2015 Municipal council passed a motion to allocate up to a maximum of $77,745.50 in funding from the Federal Gas Tax Reserve fund for construction of Phases 1 and 3 of the Irishman’s Rd Recreation Site Multi-UseTrail Plan.
Why Phase 1 and Phase 3?
Phase 1 of the project includes existing trails on the portion of land leased to the Glooscap Heritage Archers Association. The bulk of the work will be focused on controlling and repairing damage from seasonal flood waters and chronically wet areas on the trails. There will also be an expanded parking area created in front of the main entry gate which is normally only unlocked for soccer and archery events.
Phase 2 proposes to develop all new trails on an unused portion of the property around the upper soccer field. While this would be exciting the WHTA feels that it is prudent to work with the existing trails on the property, bringing them up to standard before building all new trails.
Phase 3 includes a large portion of the property where many unofficial trails exist. The development of this phase will bring the trails up to current trail standards. This may include closing or re-routing some trail sections. Some new trail will be added to enhance the overall connectivity of the trail system.
In addition to all the trail construction work, trail signs and maps will be placed throughout the trail network to guide visitors on their adventures.
What types of trails are there going to be?
The concept plan describes different types of trails to be developed for all types of non-motorized recreation. The WHTA is excited that the trails at Irishman's Rd will include a variety of trail types that will range in difficulty level from beginner to expert for walking, hiking, mountain biking, snowshoeing and cross country skiing. This year's construction will lay the foundation for an outstanding trail system and multi-use recreational facility unlike anything existing in West Hants.