Free snowshoe hike!
Post date: Jan 18, 2016 11:21:34 AM
The West Hants Trails Association is pleased to partner with Hike Nova Scotia and offer FREE lead snowshoe hikes on Westbrook Trail on the Avondale trail system in Avondale at 10:00AM on February 7th, 2016. We will meet at the trailhead in the parking lot of the Avondale Community Hall (map/directions). We will be offering two hikes, a 2.3km loop on the Westbrook trail and a 5km loop option offering a sneak preview of Phase 2 of the Avondale trail system, and then continuing onto the Westbrook trail. Both hikes will start at 10:00AM and begin at the trailhead for Westbrook trail. These hikes will take you through landscape dominated by mature Acadian mixed wood forest, interspersed with rolling agricultural land. Difficultly level is moderate, as there is uneven terrain, steep drop offs and inclines. Please pre-register by emailing WHTA president Matt Smith: Refreshments will be provided after the hikes. Please ensure to bring a pair of snowshoes, if you don't have a pair please consult the guide of where to borrow or rent a pair provided by Hike NS. Both West Hants and Windsor Municipalities offer snowshoes, as do many locations in HRM. Keep an eye on our Facebook page for cancellation notices.