About us

About Us

The West Hants Trails Association (WHTA) is a non-profit society dedicated to the development and promotion of multi-use trails in the Municipality of the District of West Hants.

This region has a beautiful natural environment with an abundance of forest, hills, lakes, rivers, and coastline and thus a great potential for trails and trail systems.

The WHTA is a completely volunteer-run organization, with directors and members representing various trails stakeholder groups from throughout the Municipality of the District of West Hants.

Our activities include promoting current trails in the region, facilitating communication between trail stakeholders, providing advice for trail development and being stewards of trails that are the direct responsibility of the WHTA. We host trail events and workshops throughout the year and our directors are actively involved in the trails community throughout Nova Scotia. We continually seek ways to improve the availability, use, and safety of trails in the Municipality of the District of West Hants for all residents and visitors to enjoy.

Please consider joining us! You can connect with us via email westhantstrails@gmail.com or on our facebook page here.

History of the WHTA

The WHTA was established in July of 2013 to bring together individuals and community groups interested in trail development and promotion, to support their efforts in building trails for the benefit of all.

In November of 2013, the Municipality also recognized the potential for trail development in the region and developed the West Hants Trails Plan. The trails plan assessed and identified current trails, potential new trail sites, and the required developments to ensure maximum use and community benefit. The WHTA communicates with the West Hants Director of Recreation and Active Living Coordinator who provide recommendations to the West Hants Municipal Council and Trails Committee. The WHTA has also provided input during consultation process for the Avon Region Active Transportation Plan.

Our Mission

The West Hants Trails Association (WHTA) is a non-profit society dedicated to the development and promotion of multi-use trails in the Municipality of the District of West Hants. As a member of the Nova Scotia Nova Scotia Trails Federation the WHTA shares the vision that, "All Nova Scotians have access to and value diverse and well-managed recreational trails for the pursuit of: Health; Education and Environment; Arts and Culture; Recreation; Tourism and Transportation." Specifically, the objectives of WHTA are:

    • To develop and promote trails
    • To support organizations that are associated with trail development and use
    • To encourage private public partnerships for trail development
    • To promote healthy active lifestyles and environmental awareness

The WHTA also follows the goals of the West Hants Active Living Strategy to:

    • Educate West Hants residents about the benefits of physical activity and to provide information about recreation opportunities.
    • Provide opportunities for West Hants residents to participate in a variety of physical activities in their communities, workplaces and schools.
    • Create, maintain and enhance physical environments, both built and natural, that support physical activity.
    • Lead initiatives, build partnerships and develop policies that will sustain physical activity opportunities.